
A collection of small scripts and projects.

  • Build Status ArpScan

    Enumerates local adapters and makes an ARP request to each address in the subnet. For when your laptop is on the other side of the room and you want to know its ip address.

  • Build Status Amazon Route53 data export

    A simple command-line tool to easily export zone information from Route53. Periodically snapshot, or backup data from all hosted zones.

  • Build Status Bitcoin block chain parser

    A pure C# block chain parser library for Bitcoin. It eats binary blkxxxx.dat files and produces an IEnumerable strongly typed in-memory representation.

  • Multicast Testing Tool

    Testing multicast traffic can be challenging and tends to involve running an application on two systems, physical or virtual connected to the network. iPerf can be complicated, and VLC multicast streaming can be buggy. This is a simpler command-line tool that runs on both Linux and Windows to help validate multicast connectivity.


I keep a list of (arguably less well-known) projects of exceptional quality I’ve usually discovered lurking on Hacker News, listed here for future reference.


    An embeddable c# library which provides an easy, reliable and flexible interface to manage and perform background task processing, without Windows Service or separate process.

  • Amazon Web Services — a practical guide

    A direct, trustworthy and practical guide for engineers who use the AWS stack, with tips, gotchas, information and recommendations.

  • The Tewlve-Factor App

    A simple methodology for building software-as-a-service apps.

  • Shout-IRC

    Gorgeous self-hosted IRC web client.

  • Scapy

    A fantastically capable tool for crafting packets by hand.

  • takezoe/gitbucket

    A Github clone written in Scala. Perfect for a private Git repository on a low cost DigitalOcean or AWS server. The primary developer, Naoki Takezoe, places a strong emphasis on ease of installation which I absolutely love.

  • Mongoose

    A powerful asynchronous, non-blocking web server designed for use in embedded systems. Supports CGI, SSL, Digest auth, Websocket, WebDAV, Resumed download, URL rewrite, file blacklist, IP-based ACL, and available as a single file.

  • Fenix

    Another webserver, desktop based and designed to serve static content.

  • darkhttpd

    Also available as a single file - darkhttpd has a simpler feature set compared to Mongoose, but very useful “when you need a web server in a hurry..”

  • StatsD

    A simple daemon for stats aggregation, part of the Etsy Measure Anything, Measure Everything mantra. Applications are instrumented by developers using language-specific libraries which communicate metrics to StatsD using its simple UDP protocol.

  • InfluxDB

    InfluxDb is a beautifully crafted open-source distributed time series database with an SQL-like query language exposed by a native HTTP API.

  • ElasticSearch

    A distributed, RESTful real-time search and analytics engine which wraps Apache Lucene. Like Solr, but with an architecture designed for scalability in modern distributed environments.

  • Kibana

    Kibana is a tool for graphing, searching visualising and understanding data. It’s implemented as a minimalist browser based application which relies on Javascript, and HTTP APIs to interface and pull data out of Elasticsearch.

  • Google Web Starter Kit (WSK)

    Complementing Google’s Web Fundamentals project and inspired by Mobile HTML5 Boilerplate, WSK provides Google opinionated building blocks for constructing best practice aligned multi-screen applications.

  • dypsilon/frontend-dev-bookmarks

    Dmitriy Navrotskyy’s huge list of frontend development resources. “Sorted from general knowledge at the top to concrete problems at the bottom”.